This study aims to evaluate the precision of the GEBCO2022 and TOPO-V25.1 depth models in the East Sea. The above two models were compared with the shipborne depths to calculate the deviation factors to evaluate the precision. The correlations between the shipborne depths and the two models were also calculated. Evaluations of the precision according to the depths were performed. The evaluation results show that: In the East Sea, the GEBCO2022 depth model has a precision of ±169.1 m, better than the TOPO-V25.1 model with a precision of ±172.4 m. The deviations between the two models with the shipborne depth obey the random law. The correlations of these two models with the shipborne depths are quite good. The points with large deviations are located in areas with complex seabed topography, many submerged islands, steep slopes, and sudden changes in seabed topography. In areas where the topography of the seabed is flat, the deviations are small. The precisions of the GEBCO2022 and TOPO-V25.1 models are good on the continental shelf, where the seabed topography is flat, and the depth is from -10 m to -200 m. In the continental slope, where the slope is steep, the depth is between -200 m and -2000 m, and the root mean square deviation increases, reaching a maximum (±230 m) in the depth range (-1000 m ÷ -2000 m). The root mean square deviation is reduced to ±120 m for the deep depression of the East Sea.