Reality and solutions to improve efficiency of developing residential land price adjustment coefficient in Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province
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Hệ số điều chỉnh giá đất ở
Giá đất theo bảng giá
Giá đất phổ biến trên thị trường Residential land price adjustment coefficient
Land price according to price list
Popular land prices on the market

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How to Cite

Nguyen, T. Đợi, Nguyen, D. T., Nguyen, M. T., Nguyen, Y. H. N., Ho, T. M. D. ., & Vuong, T. T. L. (2024). Reality and solutions to improve efficiency of developing residential land price adjustment coefficient in Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, (60), 57–64.


Land prices regulated by the State are often lower, even many times lower, than land prices on the market. The land price adjustment coefficient is an important unknown in the function that determines the specific land price according to the land price adjustment coefficient valuation method. The residential land price adjustment coefficient in Quy Nhon city varies in the scope of application and fluctuates between 21 wards and communes in the two periods before and when applying the 2013 Land Law. The residential land price adjustment coefficient is still high in the early stages, increasing on average 0.1 times/year from 2021 to the present and is not really consistent with the land economic nature and profitability according to its location. The fluctuations also contradict changes in land prices on the market and land price lists. Many solutions need to be implemented in building the residential land price adjustment coefficient based on the land price list according to land location, the ratio of factors constituting land price, and profitability according to land location.
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