Improvement of the accuracy of the national quasigeoid model based on construction of the national spatial reference system
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Ha, M. H. (2019). Improvement of the accuracy of the national quasigeoid model based on construction of the national spatial reference system. Journal of Geodesy and Cartography, (40), 1–10.


In a process of construcion of the national spatial reference system, based on a reorientation of the WGS84 national reference ellipsoid with purpose of the best it’s fitting to the national quasige-oid, we will can increase the accuracy of the seven parameters of coordinate conversion from the ITRF to the national spatial reference system, especially of the scale change parameter between two above mentioned coordinate systems. That allows us to accurately convert the global geodetic height determined by GNSS technology from the WGS84 to the national spatial reference system serving a construction of the highly accurate national quasigeoid model. This scientific article will prove a correctness of this approach.
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